couple of days ago, Glasses.com released an app for iPad 2 (and later
generations) that allows you to try on glasses in 3D and see how they look on
you from multiple angles. It is sheer awesomesauce. If you are in possession of the requisite iPad (they promise that this will be available for other platforms soon) and are looking for a new pair of specs, you really ought to
try this bad boy. Get a glimpse: you can view multiple pairs at one time, see the specs in profile, and even see what they'll look like when they sit higher or lower. Add the best-looking frames to a favorites folder for comparison or to get other's opinions. Sign into your account to add them to your in-home try-on or purchase cart. So many thoughtful little touches make this app amazing, and that's on top of the sheer brilliance of its design.
Even if
you're not looking for glasses, the novelty of it is tons o' fun. You could
easily make a party gag out of it. The directions are easy-peasy, but I'll
issue a caveat if you're seriously looking for glasses: Try to look your best
before hitting the "record" button, and remember to smile (or at
least not frown) while it is recording. Trust me. My first attempt was done at
midnight, post-workout, while in my jim-jams. Not ideal.